Business Opportunity Mining

Business Opportunity Mining – A Managed Services Offering perspective Reference to industry trends (Gartner, IDC et al), Telecom operators who transform into real Communications Service providers, will by 2015...
A TM Forum Publication

Business Opportunity Mining – A Managed Services Offering perspective

Reference to industry trends (Gartner, IDC et al), Telecom operators who transform into real Communications Service providers, will by 2015 attain additional 15% of their revenues from OTT players. This opportunity will be founded on the ability to adapt and adopt new business and operating models. Managing the risk of adopting new business models requires having the right partnerships – partnership that must possess the tenacity, technology prowess, scalability and relationships to deliver true value.

As forward thinking Telecom operators begin to engage thoughts of business improvement activities, they will cease now, more than ever, the true chance of becoming “Telecom 2.0” ready – an era where true Communication Services Providers (CSP) emerge as true service players in the communications space. CSPs willing to embrace new IT-based opportunities will be faced with the challenge of fully optimizing and transforming IT into a continuous transformation cycle.  This publication shares insights around the path to CSP enablement and MSP offerings.

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Managed BSS/OSS

Exhibit – An E2E Managed BSS/OSS Offerings from Huawei









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