Children mutilated to make better beggars

Wonders shall never end at the extent a mans mind can go and the degree of wickedness that can be thought of. A Chinese...

[Story retake from the Star]

Wonders shall never end at the extent a mans mind can go and the degree of wickedness that can be thought of. A Chinese gang is said to. e kidnapping and crippling children, exporting them into Malaysia and forcing them to beg on the streets at tourism sites. According to sources these folks have large networks that kidnap kids across China, with reports citing hot locations as Dongguan and Zhengzhou districts.

The kidnapped are said to be sent into Malaysia on tourist visas and then integrated effectively as beggars – hiunding and taking money from tourists. Some of the beggers suffer disfigured faces, with one beggar revealing he was crippled by the gang when he was a child, and their disabilities are used to lure tourists for money.

They live in hotels or units but their ‘takings’ are siphoned off by gang leaders, The Star reported after trailing two beggars from on the streets of Kuala Lumpur over two days. The news outlet said about 30 physically disabled and disfigured people were seen frequenting a budget hotel in the city before with a man seen collecting cash from the beggars.

One beggar Xiu Yuan, 33, claimed he was born ‘able’ but was force-crippled by the organised gang in China. When he became more “senior”, he was allowed to beg outside China.

“It’s a large and powerful gang with connections in Malaysia that keeps watch on us,” he told The Star.

Another beggar Do Feng, 30, of Zhengzhou, said gang leaders take 50 per cent of the day’s collection and 10 per cent for the taxi fares if the minimal amount is achieved. The beggars then get to keep the rest. 

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