The promising advantage of 5G is actually more for Carriers than subscribers. Of course there will be more capacity to enable better connectivity services no doubt, but the essential core to 5G is the advantages it will bring for Edge Applications.
The Edge however should be seen as a new business engagement model that requires Service providers to rethink their value stream and customer value chains. Without the rethink the business of playing to high-speed internet access will be driving commodity connections for OTT services that defeats the value to carriers themselves.
The case study, summarized in the figure above is a representation of the opportunities at-scale that 5G and Edge Applications offer, and it a unique advantage looking at densely populated areas like HK and Macau, but it’s not unique to the locations. Cities population density mapping, City planning and service strategies, new businesses and new business models, entertainment, media, education and health will be big demand for 5G Edge enabled business models and offers.
Any Telco and CSP looking to take advantage of new growth should certainly look at investing in 5G, while at the same time re-inventing your business development teams. This is the only way you can creat leaping bounds of opportunities in areas like EDGE-business models, Smart Services and cluster-based efficient use of 5G investments.
5G is not, and shouldn’t be positioned about a CONNECT-based Internet Access speeds, it is the social-backbone delivering the capacity and a set of well-defined capabilities for enabling digital outcomes.